Worried About Clogged Drains?
Slow moving or stationary water in the kitchen and bathroom drains is stressful, no doubt about it. What can you do when this happens? Start by picking up the phone and calling First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Cooling for your clogged drains. Grabbing an over the counter jug of drain cleaner might seem tempting. After all, the cost of that liquid isn’t too much and you can do it within ten minutes. Sounds perfect right? Wrong. These highly caustic chemicals can be downright damaging to your pipes. The best thing to do is to call the professionals when you notice slow moving water through your drains.
We’ll Help with Your Clogged Drains
There are a number of things that can cause a drain blockage. Natural wear and tear can lead to a clog or build up. You use your drains several times a day after all. If you need drain cleaning or experience a clog drain in Lodi, don’t hesitate to call us. We know how frustrating a slow moving drain can be. We are committed to getting your household backup and running in no time.
Call on First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Cooling for Clogged Drains
Food, hair, foreign objects, and viscous liquids are some of the culprits to slow or blocked drains. In the kitchen it is natural that bits of food go down the drain, same with hair in the bathroom sink. A child’s toy or animal grease that hardens in the drain line are just some of the possible things that can be in your pipes. Our team makes sure to have the latest and greatest drain cleaning tool on hand. We get the job done thoroughly and completely when you reach out to us.